2023_Swing_Caflisch pour la Balade de Séprais
2023_Press_ Balade de Séprais_Le Quotidien Jurassien_20-9-2023
2021 Vivide Vide
article par Maxime Papaux sur l'Expo The Fullness of The Emptiness au TraitNoir à Fribourg
2017-2019_Opfer und Täter
Wieviel Opfer steckt in mir Täter, wieviel Täter in mir Opfer?
2019_Memoires Vives Presse
2018_TRANS_Conference_ASSA_Association Suisse Santé Adoslescents
Performance of the RESILIENT SHAPE by Lombardo, Caflisch and Balsamo in Geneva, at the transnational pediatrician conference organized by the Adolescent Health Associations. Performance questioning the idea of passage, of falling and getting up, by visualizing trough the interaction with a sculpture in the shape of a tumbler.
2018_Festival des Arts Visuels_Blue Factory Fribourg
2018_Press_HeiligeAgatha_Fischmarkt Catania
2018_Press_Carte Blanche au Café_MAHF
2016_Press_FlashExpo-Werkgespräch_Atelier à la X
2012_Press_Evidences_Hillier Art Space